Saturday, August 19, 2006

back again

Just wrapped up a hectic month. Two independent catering gigs and a move left me a little drowsy, a little ragged, a little spun. Unfortunately I dig the adrenaline. After putting in 80 hours in the kitchen each of the last two weeks, I feel like I'm slacking by just working one job. It's not unusual for one to put in so many hours in this business. If you're an owner or on salary it's expected. What it does to me is put question in the old noggin'. "Am I doing enough?" I could work more, learn more, get there faster. Of course this is ridiculous, and due to my inherent love of sloth, I am in no threat of picking up a third job. What it does show is what I can do when I need to, when I need to take advantage of opportunities. I can stretch myself thin occasionally and pull it off, if for a good reason.

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