Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Long month

It seems as if I post this more than anything else, but 'it's been a damn long month'. Two days off in October. Left little time and even less energy to post. I went to New York in the beginning of September. I ate good food. Saw good music. hung out with good people. It's been a whirlwind of work since getting back. Staffing problems at the Cafe and increased business at Alba has made for all work no play. Regardless I wouldn't be anywhere else. I think I'm approaching the point in the craft of cooking (as in the pursuit of any craft) in which everything I do becomes referential. In that I have developed and honed basic techniques, while learning specific cuisines. When I decide I want to make something it is not some idea I'm pulling from the aether it is derived from the food and techniques I've used in the past. What I make is therefore more grounded. And being grounded there is a greater chance for success. I am getting better at having an idea of what I want to make, making it, and having the end product be very close to the original idea. The guessing game is giving way to craft.

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