Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A little something from the NY Times

School nutrition is always a hot topic. It is also so terribly vital in order to readjust our food values. Not only is nutrition important in a case by case approach to students (healthier more attentive, more energetic students, http://www.actionforhealthykids.org/) but awareness of our foods sources and the true value of food can only reap benefits well into the future. We have grown into a detached society, simply consuming foodstuffs, with little regard to it's production and manufacturing. What we focus on is simply cost. We have homogenized, dulled our palates. We value salt, fat, and sugar above the actual flavor of the natural foods themselves (and in many cases the bland industrial farmed produce and meats have little aesthetic value on their own. They exist as vehicles for processing). By instilling at least a basic awareness of nutrionaly viable food into school aged children one can hope for an expanding base of support for local agriculture.

Here's What's going on in Oregon

If you're unfamiliar with Alice Waters programs then check this out. It's an amazing program that needs to catch on.

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